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McGill University – Asset maintenance

Montréal, Québec

Photo credits : Vincent Brière


McGill University

Type of use

Building for cultural purposes

Year of construction

Since 1999

Work type

Existing buildings

For several years now, the firm has been accredited by McGill University, which has thus far entrusted it with nearly 150 different mandates for the maintenance of its real estate portfolio. This mainly includes heritage buildings such as the Arts Building, the Redpath Building, the Macdonald Building (engineering) etc.

For most of these buildings, built between the 1870s and about 1920, symptoms of ageing to varying degrees are common. The firm’s involvement includes planning and implementing repair and rehabilitation work on several structural components of the exterior masonry walls and roofs.

As structural engineers, the firm provided, in close collaboration with the other disciplines, notably architects, complete expertise for the resolution of the structural problems of the buildings, including the development and supervision of the on-site work.